A running start.

Hello, it’s me.

My name is Alyssa and if you can’t already tell from the title, I like to run.


(Extremely attractive photo from my first half marathon at Disney World January 2015.)

I’ve been running for a little over a year and a half now. Back in the day when I was in college (lol, that was like three months ago), I used to run around the lake that my campus was located on. That’s where my love (and sometimes hate) of running all began.

I’ve been thinking about starting a running-related blog for a while, but never had the chance to start one until now. I’m excited to share my running journey, tips, and reviews with anyone who would enjoy reading it.

Aside from running, a bit more about me personally: I’m also a photographer (*enter shameless plug here to check out ambarkerphotography.com), an Entertainment Coordinator at Give Kids the World Village (practically the coolest place in the world), and a dog mom to a sweet pup named Bailey.


Well, that’s all for now folks. Thanks for joining me on this journey we call running.


Getting a running start,
